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Today’s message in “The Word for You” is so powerful. While talking about having cracks in our character, and allowing God to restore us, what came to mind for me was having cracks in our relationships. Just like God has the power to restore us to salvation, we have the power to restore relationships. And what better time than the present! We are definitely living in uncertain times right now, With much time being spent at home, which should give us more time to do a lot of things we’ve been too busy to get done Including self reflection.

Is there a relationship that you know needs healing, have you done something to wrong someone, did you ever apologize for whatever it was that you did, have you felt wronged but haven’t told the person, we’re you quick to judge someone and said some harmful words????? These are just a few things to think about, there’s plenty more examples of ways relationships can be harmed.

Reflection and self-assessment/awareness are key factor in determining if there is a bruised or broken relationship that we have the power to heal.

If there is a relationship you desire to heal remember approach is KEY! “I” statements are very effective, refrain from accusations, and give the person a chance to respond. When you are listening, listen to understand and not to respond. Now don’t get me wrong not everyone will be ready to talk or hear you out and that’s why we have a might GOD to help us through anything.....He will direct you to the person at the perfect time, HE will give you the right words to say, and HE will create an atmosphere for restoration. So go to GOD first (because HE already know, HE’s just waiting on you), and HE will set everything up for you but you have to do your part too. It may be uncomfortable to admit we were wrong, it may be hard to see someone’s side of the story, it may be uncomfortable to tell someone they’ve hurt you, but believe me when I say GOD will give you EVERYTHING you need to get through it!

One last have to be ok with you doing your part even if the person does not respond the way you had hoped for. Knowing that we did the right thing is the only solace that we may get on some situations. But it’s worth it!!!!

Mark 11:24-25 says Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

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